Friday, 25 May 2012

A new wardrobe isn't always what you need!

So, last week I was feeling restless and frustrated.
I decided to get outside and do something I don't do often... stop, listen and relax.

I realized all the beauty in our world.  Here are a few of those great things:

My main man Elton Montgomery-

Prickly Pear Cactus- Only place in Canada it's found!

My favourite flower-lilac.  Smells as beautiful as it looks!

Sometimes it's worth it to sit back and let things happen around you.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Getting Creative: Tip # 2

As I was browsing the Internet for ways to diversify my wardrobe without spending a dime, I came across something very unique. 

Maybe this is a way we can both spice up our look... All we would need to invest in is some paint.  And maybe some drawing lessons.  The drawing lessons could double as self-growth AND professional development.  So really, this is an investment in ourselves.

While I can think of reasons why this new discovery would be useful, my willingness to try it fails to exist. 

Would you try it? 

Less permanent than tattoos-

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

thrive with less

thrive with less    <------ click here ..... do it

it's so cool when you find people that are up to such cool projects.  check this one out.

it's been 3 full months of no shopping for me.  aside from a hat that i had to buy in california that was for health purposes.  sunburn are no fun.


Thursday, 29 March 2012

Sooo... I cheated. (within reason)

I shopped.
Not casually.
But shopped with reason.

My justification in 5 lines:
1. I had an interview for a professional job.
2. Said job needs dress pants.
3. I don't own dress pants.  (not even kidding).  Ok, I do, but they are 2 sizes too big.
4. I am getting serious about finding employment.  (the type that is for reals, not one month contracts).
5. I "invested" in a business suit.  I refer to it as my interview fatigues-

This confession feels good.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Leather Pajamas

The other night, while sleeping, I had a dream.  Carly and I were shopping.  There were these neat pj's where you could take a stamp and literally stamp the pants and the stamp would appear... So I stamped the pants 50 times!

"What a neat idea!" I thought to myself.  "I am going to buy them!"

I carried the white cotton pants around the store and approached the counter.  During this time I remember thinking "Pajamas are hardly shopping because EVERYONE needs pajamas!"  apparently even my dream self is doing without.  Only I felt an enormous bout of guilt.  I held up the pants to make SURE they were what I wanted...

All of a sudden they turned into black leather pants.  Leather pajamas.  ewe.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Save money?... my arse, I do.

When I boycotted clothing (purchasing not wearing), I immediately thought I would start saving large amounts of cashola.... I was wrong.

Since January 1st I have spend heaps of money on:

1-New camera lens... even though it was just one lens.  (this was a must)!
2-Breaks.... not the "oh, what a lovely day, I think I will take a vacation and relax" type breaks, BUT the "Oh my god, I don't want to hit a tree or rear end that beautiful mercedes" type breaks.
3-GROCERIES! I have switched one expensive eye to the other... only this one has the potential to make me fat.

All in all. This no shopping thing is much easier than anticipated....  1month, 45 days, 12 hours, 32 minutes and 17 seconds in....  Just kidding, everything after 32 minutes cannot be confirmed!

Oh!, and Car- Sending heaps of support to Cali*!

I may or may not have moved all the healthy food to the front.

Will power and positive vibes,

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

"i'm in a glass case of emotion".... or an elevator

i would have felt just like RON BURGUNDY had i been in this elevator:

my friend jess sent me this picture because she obviously realized that this would have been a painful elevator ride for myself or meg.

consumerism is TAKING over elevators now people! look out!


Friday, 3 February 2012

style watch temptation

i love carrie underwood.  i pretty much want to be her.  being her best friend would be pretty cool too, so either/or.  when i saw this on the shelves as the local grocery store, where i thought i was safe from the temptation of clothing, shoes, purses, wallets, accessories etc. purchases....i was hit with one! 

carrie underwood on the front page of PEOPLE: Style Watch

meg: i think we should add magazines to our list of what we CANNOT buy this year....cause that is just torture.  i didn't buy it, but i wanted to.  i knew what kind of pain it would cause me.  guess i won't BE carrie underwood this year.  darn it! month down....11 to go....oh dear


Monday, 23 January 2012

getting creative

This weekend I decided to get creative and tackle something that has been on my agenda for oh.... 7 months?

A while back I purchased these:

A box of penguin postcards with classic book covers:

When I saw these, I fell in love!  and I started thinking that I should make a poster... it never happened until yesterday.  So this is how it turned out:

Final product-not too bad!

I think it turned out pretty neat... and will be a great addition to my library room... When I get a room of my own to have as a library.


Sunday, 15 January 2012

The mall is my frienemy.

I have something to confess.  I was at the mall today.   My dear roommate wanted to check out a going out of business sale.  

Why thought this was a good idea, i don't know.  But alas, I went.

The experience went something like this:
Upon entering the store I see a poster:

"Final Days
Entire Store
50% off
Lowest Ticketed Price.

Thoughts:  Whatever, this shit is cheap!

Looking around I see a cute coat... It's marked down to $30, enough to turn away... HOWEVER, there is an extra 50% off.   That makes this jacket $15.  That's enough of a deal to buy said jacket.

Thoughts:  Oh! $15 for a jacket... sweet deal.  How can I buy this jacket and get away with it?

Oh! I know I shouldn't, I am only 15 days in! 

Anxiety is starting to kick in.  

Time to call in the back up.
It's loud so I op for text messaging

This is how the exchange went:

Me to Carly:
"I need support! I am in urban behaviour... Everything is dirt cheap... lol... major anxiety."
I think I was embellishing on the situation, perhaps I had the blog in mind?

Carly to me:
"Don't do it!!!!! hahaha"

me to Carly:
"I am holding my hands in my pockets."

Carly to me:
"Think about the money you'll have to put into my RSP."

I left the cute $15 jacket & took my pride.  

P.s. I just got a cell phone given to me with camera capabilities.  So, expect more pics from my side of things.  I took one of the sign on my old camera and I couldn't get it from my cell phone to my computer... (I know, I know, I live in a cave).

Monday, 9 January 2012

creative ways to accessorize - tip 1

my new accessory.
i had to go shopping with a bridal party & as the girls shopped for clothes, shoes, boots, purses & wallets...i found my new *cheap* accessory that i will be using A LOT of in 2012.
nAiL PoLiSh~!
that doesn't count right?
thoughts people!


p.s. ...f.y.i..... i actually did purchase the dress & the shoes for the felt exciting, weird, fun & meh .... all at the same time.  felt a little like cheating.  when the shipment arrives i will post a pic of my purchases & share my thoughts on my 2 of 4 allowed clothing/shoe purchases for the year.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Shopping allergy?

Ok... so... maybe not, but I did become dizzy and almost pass out last time I found myself in a mall.  No, it wasn't because all the sales were just sooooooo good and soooo appealing, it was because I'm sick-  so if i remember that feeling next time I find myself in a mall- it may become my shopping remedy.


Thursday, 5 January 2012

support (or not) all the way from aus

so my aussie friend steph thought it would be great idea to send me a picture of her latest purchase. 
these are her quotes:
"you can live vicariously through me!" 
she is also fully aware that this is just ruuuuude.....but her thoughts:
"i'm not sure if i'm helping or hindering. i just genuinely enjoy showing off my purchases, i feel like i'm spreading joy!" 

love ya though steph! 

ps...and the kicker: the fact that i can see she's wearing sandals and we're wearing snow-boots.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Oh I could use that....

So it is day three.

Three weeks ago I was thinking:
"I can totally do this!  It will be fun, no big deal"

May thoughts today are:
"Oh! I love that top!"



Monday, 2 January 2012

facing facts on day 2

my friends are just mean.  they thought on day 2 they would put me to the test and take me into aldo ...this is me in the 50% off section with about 200 pairs of shoes/boots etc. well .....i did ok.  officially.  but..... its gonna be a long year.      cb