Thursday, 29 March 2012

Sooo... I cheated. (within reason)

I shopped.
Not casually.
But shopped with reason.

My justification in 5 lines:
1. I had an interview for a professional job.
2. Said job needs dress pants.
3. I don't own dress pants.  (not even kidding).  Ok, I do, but they are 2 sizes too big.
4. I am getting serious about finding employment.  (the type that is for reals, not one month contracts).
5. I "invested" in a business suit.  I refer to it as my interview fatigues-

This confession feels good.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Leather Pajamas

The other night, while sleeping, I had a dream.  Carly and I were shopping.  There were these neat pj's where you could take a stamp and literally stamp the pants and the stamp would appear... So I stamped the pants 50 times!

"What a neat idea!" I thought to myself.  "I am going to buy them!"

I carried the white cotton pants around the store and approached the counter.  During this time I remember thinking "Pajamas are hardly shopping because EVERYONE needs pajamas!"  apparently even my dream self is doing without.  Only I felt an enormous bout of guilt.  I held up the pants to make SURE they were what I wanted...

All of a sudden they turned into black leather pants.  Leather pajamas.  ewe.